Coconut Vegetable Curry

Coconut Vegetable Curry

Cooking can seem intimidating at times but the more you do it, the more forgiving you realize it is. Since then I have started experimenting with my own curries, rarely repeating the same thing twice. Through that I have created a base recipe that allows me to alternate some of the vegetables I add based on what I have and what we are in the mood for.

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Can't Stop, Won't Stop: Brussel Sprouts

Can't Stop, Won't Stop: Brussel Sprouts

Roasted Brussell Sprouts, nice and crispy, with a lemon garlic aioli sauce to dip. Maybe it won’t rock your world, but it sure is rocking mine. Its hearty, its green + tiny things are just cuter. 

You can throw other Brussel Sprout Recipes at me, but I am not sure I won't stop eating them like just like this.

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